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Message from Executive Headteacher

From the first day children and their families join us at Excellence in Education, they enter schools which have a strong ethos of achievement; leadership; discipline and commitment to the wholesome development of our children.

In light of the current challenges we face in the wider world, we understand and champion the importance of wellbeing, both physically and mentally. As a community, we place great significance in ensuring that our children feel safe, are happy and valued. We offer our children the emotional and well-being support they need to flourish personally and academically.

My vision is for each and every pupil to be an inspired lifelong learner, who is prepared for challenge, but also for change. We empower our children to succeed by instilling in them the love for learning, the ability to think critically and make informed choices. The combination of a safe, stimulating learning environment and high expectations from the teaching staff is key to the high achievement of our pupils.

We offer the broadest possible curriculum by providing wider opportunities through music, arts, sports and other areas, ensuring that our pupils are well-rounded and balanced. We celebrate our school’s values through the teaching and application of our school moto’s:

We nurture our pupils to be responsible, understand right and wrong and be forward-thinking whilst they continue in their education and onto their careers in adulthood.

I thank you for your continued support in forging a formidable alliance of parents, school and pupils to ensure every child has an opportunity to achieve their dreams.

Ms Simrita Singh 

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